Guangzhao Qin (秦光照)
Professor Dr.
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Changsha 410082, China
Email: gzqin@hnu.edu.cn
Micro-/Nano-scale Heat Transfer · Thermal Management · Multi-scale Simulation of Thermal Transport and Materials Processing · Machine Learning · 3D Printing · FDTR · Energy Conversion and Nanotechnology · Phonon Transport and Anharmonicity · Design of Advanced Thermal Functional Materials · Spin Phonon Coupling in Magnetic Materials · Mechanical Behavior in Nanoscale
Hunan University
Professor (Sept. 2019 - present)
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Changsha 410082, China
University of South Carolina
Post-doctoral Fellow (Sept. 2018 - Aug. 2019)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208, USA
Advisor: Ming Hu, Prof.
RWTH Aachen University
Visiting Ph.D. (Mar. 2018 - Aug. 2018)
Institute of Electromagnetic Theory
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany
Advisor: Christoph Jungemann, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.Phonon spin coupling in magnetic materials;
Mechanical properties of low-dimensional materials;
RWTH Aachen University
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Aug. 2015 - Feb. 2018)
Institute of Mineral Engineering (GHI)
Division of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany
Advisor: Ming Hu, Prof.
Nanoscale heat transfer and the microscopic theory;
Phonon transport in nanostructures with interfaces or boundaries;Ph.D. Thesis: Phonon anharmonicity and thermal transport in two-dimensional materials
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
M.Sc. in Condensed Matter Physics (Sept. 2012 - July 2015)
College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China
Advisor: Qing-Bo Yan, A.P. and Gang Su, Prof.
Structure, electronic properties and thermoelectric (transport) performance in nano-systems;Zhengzhou University
B.S. in Applied Physics (Sept. 2007 - July 2011)
School of Physics and Engineering
Zhengzhou University
Zhengzhou, China
Advisor: Dongxun Ouyang, Prof.MORE INFORMATION
- 2021/12: Vebleo Fellow (国际Vebleo科学协会会士)
- 2021/11: The Outstanding Influence Award of 2021 China Rising Star of Emerging Technology (2021中国新锐科技人物卓越影响奖)
- 2020/11: Third Prize in the micro-teaching drill for new teachers of Hunan University (湖南大学新进教师教学微格演练三等奖)
- 2020/03: Overseas High-level Hundred Talents Program in Hunan Province (湖南省海外高层次人才引进计划,百人计划)
- 2019/09: YueLu Scholar at Hunan University (湖南大学岳麓学者)
- 2019/09: Winners of the Borchers Plaque: Borchers-Plakette at RWTH Aachen University (2019) (博士最高荣誉学位)
- 2019/04: MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Phoenix, AZ, BEST POSTER AWARD Nominee
- 2019/04: USC ASPIRE-I Postdoctoral Scholars Award (美国南卡罗莱纳大学博士后卓越创新研究奖)
- 2018/06: RWTH Aachen University Award for Outstanding Graduated Thesis (SUMMA CUM LAUDE) with the title “Phonon anharmonicity and thermal transport in two-dimensional materials” (Top 1%) (德国亚琛工业大学最佳博士论文奖)
- 2018/03: Outstanding reviewer for the journal of “Computational Condensed Matter”
- 2018/02: Congratulations from The Royal Society of Chemistry: ‘Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV-VI compounds: A comparative study’ [Nanoscale 8, 11306 (2016)] is one of the top 100 cited articles published in Nanoscale in 2016 based on Web of Science citations from January 2018
- 2018/01: National Award for Outstanding Self-financed Chinese Students Abroad 2017, China Scholarship Council (CSC) (国家优秀自费(非公派)留学生奖学金)
- 2014/09: International Conference on Theoretical and High Performance Computational Chemistry 2014 (ICT-HPCC14), Silver Prize Winner of Best Designed Poster
- 2013/12: The tenth national graduate mathematical contest in modeling, Team leader / Successful Participant
- 2010/12: Roll student of Zhengzhou University
- 2007/04: Roll student in Henan Province
- 2006/03: Roll student of Kaifeng city, Henan Province
- Assistant Administrator in the Scientific Computation Center of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. (2014) http://scc.ucas.ac.cn
- Academic Committee of Cailiaoren, which is a WeChat public Media platform (ID: icailiaoren). (2017) http://www.cailiaoniu.com/106645.html
- Student member of Materials Research Society (MRS)
- Membership (61251059) of American Physical Society (APS)
- Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu*, Lone-pair electrons induced anomalous enhancement of thermal transport in strained planar two-dimensional materials, Nano Energy 50, 425-430 (2018);
- Linfeng Yu, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, Xiong Zheng, and Guangzhao Qin*, Half-negative Poisson's ratio in graphene+ with intrinsic Dirac nodal loop, Cell Reports Physical Science 3, 100790 (2022);
- Guangzhao Qin* and Zhenzhen Qin*, Negative Poisson's ratio in two-dimensional honeycomb structures, npj Computational Materials 6, 51 (2020);
- Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, Accelerating evaluation of converged lattice thermal conductivity, npj Computational Materials 4, 3 (2018);
Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, Thermal transport in phosphorene, Small 14, 1702465 (2018);
Fuqing Duan, Chen Shen, Hongbin Zhang, and Guangzhao Qin*, Hydrodynamics enhanced thermal transport due to strong interlayer interactions: A case study of strained bilayer graphene, Physical Review B 105, 125406 (2022);
Guangzhao Qin, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sheng-Ying Yue, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, Yang Han, and Ming Hu*, Resonant bonding driven giant phonon anharmonicity and low thermal conductivity of phosphorene, Phys. Rev. B 94, 165445 (2016);
- Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu*, Anomalously temperature dependent thermal conductivity of monolayer GaN with large deviation from the traditional 1/T law, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195416 (2017);
- Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Qing-Bo Yan, and Ming Hu*, External electric field driving the ultra-low thermal conductivity of silicene, Nanoscale 9, 7227 (2017);
- Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Wu-Zhang Fang, Li-Chuan Zhang, Sheng-Ying Yue, Qing-Bo Yan*, Ming Hu*, and Gang Su*, Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV-VI compounds: A comparative study, Nanoscale 8, 11306 (2016);
- Guangzhao Qin, In book: Thermoelectricity - Recent Advances, New Perspectives, and Applications, Chapter: Introductory chapter, Editor: Guangzhao Qin, InTech (2022);
- Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, In book: Two-dimensional Materials - Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Applications, Chapter: Diverse Thermal Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials: A Comparative Review, Editor: Pramoda Kumar Nayak, pp.199-217, InTech (2016), DOI: 10.5772/64298;
- Guangzhao Qin#, Han Xie#, Hua Bao*, and Ming Hu, In book: Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Low-Dimensional Structures, Quantum Dots, and Nanowires, Volume One, Chapter: Two dimensional silicon, Editor: Klaus D. Sattler, CRC Press 2017, Pages 43-76, DOI: 10.1201/9781315153544-4;
- Software Copyright (China 2014SR078775): Shuffle Player (sfplayer), a command line interfaced (CLI) media player written in BASH;
- Software Copyright (China 2014SR099203): ProcLiterature, a software written in BASH for managing and citing literature through HTML browser;
- Sponsor of the Computational Materials Online Seminar (CMOS), Symposium Organizer for the topic of “Micro-/Nanoscale heat transfer”, starting from 2017-07-01 and proceeding with 1000+ people been involved
- Director of the Chinese Society of Physicists in Germany (Gesellschaft Chinesischer Physiker in Deutschland, GCPD)
- Review member of 16th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-16)
- Review member of International Program Committee for 2018 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials (7th ICAMEM2018)
- Rare Metals Young Editors(青年编委)
- Frontiers in Materials - Special issue: Development of Emerging Thermoelectric Materials (2020-09-01)
- Energies
- InTech
- SCIREA Journal of Energy
- SCIREA Journal of Materials
- Advances in Materials
Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Materials, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review B, Nanoscale, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, Scientific Reports, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, ChemistrySelect, Computational Condensed Matter, Physics Letters A, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Materials and Design, Solid State Ionics, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Applied Physics Letters, Surface and Coatings Technology, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Energy, Superlattices and Microstructures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Energy, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Ceramics International, ChemPhysChem, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, npj Computational Materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, Chemical Physics, Physica Scripta
- Invited talk, 2021 MRS Fall Meeting, 2021-12-08 (Boston, USA, Virtual), Performance Regulation of Heat Transfer in Semiconductors;
- Keynote talk, Vebleo Webinar on Energy Materials and Technology, 2021-11-28 (online), Performance Regulation of Heat Transfer in Semiconductors;
- Invited talk, Forum on Material Design and Intelligent Manufacturing, 2021-09-17 (Shanghai, China), Performance Regulation of Heat Transfer in Semiconductors;
- Invited talk, The 6th Workshop on Thermal Transport (WTT 2021), 2021-08-09 (Online, Kunming, China), The exceptionally high thermal conductivity after ‘alloying’ two-dimensional Gallium Nitride (GaN) and Aluminum Nitride (AlN);
- Oral presentation, The Fifth National Heat Conduction Symposium (WTT 2020), 2020-11-14 (Qingdao, China), Efficient regulation of heat transfer performance in two-dimensional semiconductors;
- Invited talk, 2020 Thermal Management Material Technology and Supply Chain Summit Forum, 2020-08-21 (Dongguan, China), Efficient regulation of heat transfer performance in two-dimensional semiconductors;
- Invited talk, Material Computing Application and Development Research Forum, 2020-06-27 (Online, China), First-principles study on heat transport properties of two-dimensional semiconductors;
- Invited talk, XingHai Forum, Harbin Engineering University, 2018-05-12 (Harbin, China), Thermal Energy Transport in Nano-/Micro-scale;
- Invited talk, “格物致理” Series of academic lectures, Zhengzhou University, 2018-05-03 (Zhengzhou, China), The role of resonant bonding in nano-/micro-scale energy transport;
- Invited talk, XingHai Forum, Dalian University of Technology, 2018-04-24 (Dalian, China), Achieving low lattice thermal conductivity through bond nanodesigning;
- Invited talk, The International Interdisciplinary Forum, Wuhan University, 2018-04-22 (Wuhan, China), Fastly achieving accurate lattice thermal conductivity;
- Invited talk, The 2nd Micius Forum, University of Science and Technology of China, 2018-04-14 (Hefei, China), Accelerating evaluation of converged lattice thermal conductivity;
- Oral presentation, APS March Meeting 2018-03-08 (Los Angeles, California, USA), Anomalous temperature dependence of thermal conductivity with large deviation from the traditional 1/T law;
- Poster, APS March Meeting 2018-03-07 (Los Angeles, California, USA), Lone-pair electrons induced anomalous enhancement of thermal transport in strained planar two-dimensional materials;
- Poster, APS March Meeting 2018-03-06 (Los Angeles, California, USA), External electric field driving low thermal conductivity;
- Invited talk, ShenZhou Forum of International Young Scholars, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2017-12-30 (Harbin, China), Nano-/Micro-scale energy transport;
- Invited talk, Dalian University of Technology, 2017-11-14 (Dalian, China), Accelerating Evaluation of Converged Lattice Thermal Conductivity; http://huodong.dlut.edu.cn/info/1012/2478.htm; http://power.dlut.edu.cn/info/4528/15794.htm;
- Keynote talk, Annual conference of Gesellschaft Chinesischer Physiker in Deutschland (GCPD) 2017-09-30 (Berlin, Germany), The effect of electric field on thermal transport;
- Sponsor of the Computational Materials Online Seminar (CMOS), Symposium Organizer for the topic of “Micro-/Nanoscale heat transfer”, starting from 2017-07-01 and proceeding with 1000+ people been involved;
- Oral presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2017-04-20 (Phoenix, Arizona, USA), Resonant bonding driven giant phonon anharmonicity and low thermal conductivity of phosphorene;
- Poster, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2017-04-18 (Phoenix, Arizona, USA), External electric field driving ultra-low thermal conductivity of silicene;
- Poster, European Graphene Forum (EGF) 2016-06-01 (Paris, France), Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV–VI compounds;
- Poster, International Conference on Theoretical and High Performance Computational Chemistry (ICT-HPCC14) 2014-09-14 (Beijing, China), Hinge-like structure induced unusual properties of black phosphorus and new strategies to improve the thermoelectric performance;
- NOMAD Summer: A hands-on course on tools for novel-materials discovery, Physics Department, HU Berlin, 2017-09-25 (5 days);
- Research stay @ Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Hosted by Prof. Wenhui Duan, 2017-01-01 (15days);
- 2016 CAMD Summer School on Electronic Structure Theory and Materials Design, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016-08-14 (7days);
- Research funding from State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University (Grant No. 52175011), Efficient design and prediction of high thermal conductivity materials for the working reliability of intelligent vehicle chips, 100K RMB, 01/12/2021 – 31/10/2022;
- National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52006057), Electric field tunable thermal transport property of novel two-dimensional materials based on high-throughput screening, 240K RMB, 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023;
- Changsha Municipal Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. kq2014034), The regulation of the Micro-/nano mechanics properties for the applications of integrated chip shock buffering, 100K RMB, 01/07/2020 – 31/12/2021;
- The Start Funding from Hunan University with Yuelu Scholar (Grant No. 531118010471), Micro-/Nanoscale heat transfer and advanced thermal management, 2000K RMB, 17/09/2019 – 31/07/2027;
- ASPIRE – I, TRACK 2, USC Office of the Vice President for Research, Development of machine learning based interatomic potential for multiscale modeling of thermal management of electronics using Boron Arsenide (BAs), $5,000.00, 01/07/2019 – 30/09/2020;
- RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0366, 0.24 Mio. core-h), Realizing low thermal conductivity by bond nanodesigning, 01/10/2018 – 31/09/2019;
- RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0288, 0.24 Mio. core-h), For the fundamental understanding of the negative Poisson's ratio in graphene, 01/02/2018 – 31/01/2019;
- RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0250, 0.24 Mio. core-h), Strained modulated thermal transport in penta-AlN2 by first-principles calculation, 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2018;
- RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0223, 0.24 Mio. core-h), First-principles study of phonon transport in monolayer gallium nitride (GaN), 01/06/2017 – 31/05/2018;
- RWTH Cluster (No. jara0168, 2.00 Mio. core-h), Electric field modulated phonon transport in two-dimensional materials, 01/05/2017 – 30/04/2018;
- RWTH Cluster (No. jara0160, 1.35 Mio. core-h), Phonon transport in Al-doped ZnO film from first-principles, 01/11/2016 – 30/10/2017;
- RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0148, 1.2 Mio. core-h), Strained modulated phonon transport in monolayer ZnO by first-principles calculation, 01/08/2016 – 31/07/2017;
- JURECA, Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) (Project ID: JHPC38, 0.7 Mio. core-h), Phonon transport in two-dimensional phosphorene based on first-principles calculations, 01/05/2016 – 30/04/2017;
- Introduction to Scientific Writing at Hunan University, China (2021-03-01, 2022-03-01);
- Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering at Hunan University, China (2021-03-01, 2022-09-01);
- Guest lecturer in Computational Materials Science – Introduction to Monte Carlo Method at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2018-01-18, 2018-01-25);
- Guest lecturer in Fundamentals of Materials Interface and Interface Engineering – Intermolecular Potentials in MD simulations & (Kinetic) Monte Carlo at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2017-05-22, 2017-07-10, 2017-07-17);
- Guest lecturer in Fundamentals of Materials Interface and Interface Engineering – (Kinetic) Monte Carlo at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2016-07-14, 2016-07-15, 2016-07-21);
- Teaching assistant in Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Computational Materials Physics, and Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics and Nanoelectronics at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2013 - 2015);
Copyright © 2018-2023 by Guangzhao Qin. All rights reserved.